Just as installing AIPS earlier - you need
libx11-dev and its dependancies
I use gcc and gfortran to compile AIPS - you need to specify their location in the AIPS installer (/usr/bin/gfortran is both the fortran compiler and the linker for me, while /usr/bin/gcc compiles for C). I also have trouble with the fortran compiler flags -axWPT and -ip options, so I turn them off. XAS isn't built using these directives however, so you need to go to Y/SERVERS and edit XAS.SHR to remove the use of the axWPT and -ip flags when compiling the TV server.
I doubt this is an optimal installation - it might be possible to compile with those flags on a different system (I use a sandybridge based laptop with 64-bit ubuntu 13.04 at the moment) and some of the dependencies might not be necessary (especially if you use the -DHAVE_LINUX_GLIBC the bsd dependencies may drop out). It does result in a working AIPS however!
Make sure to add
sssin 5000/tcp SSSIN # AIPS TV
ssslock 5002/tcp SSSLOCK # AIPS TV Lock
msgserv 5008/tcp MSGSERV # AIPS Message Server
tekserv 5009/tcp TEKSERV # AIPS TekServer
aipsmt0 5010/tcp AIPSMT0
aipsmt1 5011/tcp AIPSMT1
aipsmt2 5012/tcp AIPSMT2
aipsmt3 5013/tcp AIPSMT3
aipsmt4 5014/tcp AIPSMT4
aipsmt5 5015/tcp AIPSMT5
aipsmt6 5016/tcp AIPSMT6
aipsmt7 5017/tcp AIPSMT7
to /etc/services to get AIPS to run properly. To do this you may need to open the file as root.
One last thing - add the aips path to your profile so you can run it straight from the terminal. For me the line was ". /home/colm/aips/LOGIN.SH; $CDTST". The CDTST bit at the end is needed if you intend to compile custom AIPS tasks.