Monday 5 February 2018

Pip unable to download packages running in a Ubuntu docker image on kubernetes

I recently ran into a problem where pip was unable to download packages while running in a docker image on a kubernetes pod. The issue seemed to be that it could not find the actual repo to download from - likely due to some kind of networking issue within either docker or kubernetes. The solution turned out to be to create a file at /etc/docker/daemon.json and enter google's DNS servers as follows:

{ "dns": ["", ""] }

I was working from a Ubuntu base image, so I created the file as above before installing and starting docker. Keep in mind that as docker images usually don't contain systemmd, it's not all that easy to restart docker once you have installed it, so creating the configuration first is pretty useful. You can find more information on this at

HTML form won't submit (Angular)

 It turns out if you mix normal HTML forms with Angular ones (i.e. using FormsModule) Angular will disable the default behaviour of forms on...